Jesus with You Always and Everywhere

But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.   (Mk. 16:7)

I’ve been to Galilee.  Even though it was incredible to be where Jesus once walked, no one would have thought Galilee was anything special before Jesus began His work there.

On the first morning of the resurrection, some women went to Jesus’ tomb to anoint His body.  When they arrive they see that the stone covering the tomb had been rolled away. They enter into the tomb and meet an angel who says that they need to tell the disciples that Jesus has gone ahead of them to Galilee.

Galilee is exactly the place where they most needed Jesus to go.  He didn’t go ahead of them to some special or exotic place.  He went ahead of them to their home, their work, and their families.

Where do we most need Jesus? In our own version of Galilee; that is, where we live and where we work.  We most need Jesus while doing the dishes, taking care of our children, coaching a team, being a good citizen and neighbor, doing the daily commuting and carpooling, contributing at work. We don’t need Jesus on some sacred mountaintop because that isn’t where we live and act and work.

I encourage us to believe that just as Jesus went ahead of the disciples to their Galilee, so he goes ahead to our own Galilees.  He has gone ahead so that He will be there when we get there.

We don’t need to pray for Jesus to be with us wherever we are—He’s always with us; nor do we need to pray for Jesus to be wherever we might be going—He will already be there.  Our prayer is to have the eyes to see Him, the ears to hear Him, and the trust to follow Him.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you ever experienced that Jesus had already prepared a place for you? Ever knew that you wouldn’t be where you are without Him guiding and leading you there?
  1. In the daily rounds of your life, are there certain activities when and where it is easier to know that Jesus is with you? And are there certain places where it is harder?
  1. Are there ever times when you would prefer to visit Jesus in some special or exotic place? Ever times when you don’t want Him where you live, act, and work?  If so, why would you ever not want Jesus with you always and everywhere?

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